

Coach, Facilitator & Speaker


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Coach, Facilitator & Speaker


How to flourish in an evolving world

Are you seeking change?

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Welcome to Midson.org

My name is Edward Midson

My professional coaching practice supports leaders who experience Impostor Phenomenon (often called Imposter Syndrome) to attain peak performance, while maintaining a state of fulfilment and flourishing.

I’m a specialist consultant in Organisational Development and Cultural Change with an MSc in Applied Positive Psychology. As a presenter and speaker, I enjoy sharing the latest thinking in an array of areas of interest.


Business Agility, Imposter Syndrome, Positive Change, Positive Leadership, Psychological Safety, Team Dynamics, and Wellbeing & Flourishing in the Workplace.

Applied Consulting

Agile, behavioural and cultural change consultancy through applied research and positive organisational scholarship

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Professional Coaching

Highly supportive, empowering and outcomes focused personal, professional and group coaching

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Facilitated Learning

Impactful, lively and practical in-person and online learning for agility, imposter syndrome, performance and wellbeing

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Professional Speaking

Presentation at conferences and events on agility, applied positive psychology, imposter syndrome and leadership

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Here are a few FAQs


It is the applied psychology of happiness, wellbeing and flourishing. This means it seeks to identify approaches that lead to a life of optimal functioning; exploring the attributes, behaviours, practices, strengths and virtues that enable individuals, families, communities and organisations to thrive. Rather than avoiding the darkness and pushing negative emotions down, a holistic view reveals how we can embrace these in more constructive ways. In this, Positive Psychology can be a pathway to wholeness.


It is a set of limiting beliefs and behaviours that are triggered by our circumstances. People who have this often feel they are out of their depth, do not belong or deserve their successes. Other signs are low self-esteem, habitual procrastination or overworking, and an inclination to self-sabotage or hide away. For many of us, we experience this in moments where the stakes are high or we are embarking on something new. For others, this is a significant problem that impacts many important areas of their life.


FAQ: I know what I should do, but can’t quite stick to it. Why might this be?

It is often taken for granted, but changing our behaviours can be a lot harder than we might anticipate. We can feel quite negative ‘away from’ pressure within ourselves about change, or hold high expectations of our own behaviour, setting bold targets ‘toward’ lofty goals. However, it’s important to be patient when navigating complex changes in work or life. This is especially so when the change we’re seeking is not something we are naturally driven to do. It can be hard to rely on sheer willpower to carry you through, and so it is important to reflect on who the change is for? You or someone else?

Our behaviour is an expression of what we think, feel, need, want, value or believe. Everything we do is in service of something. When we are struggling, our go-to habits can play a big role, and we often have blind spots. If we don’t strongly desire a change, don’t quite know what to change, how to go about it, or what our pitfalls and triggers might be, it is likely we will relapse from time to time. However, we are all capable of immense change when we feel committed, cultivate our awareness and have the right resources and supportive environment. This is where coaching can really add value.

The Heliotropic Principle

The Heliotropic Principle

“Each of us is on a journey of becoming.”

Every aspect of life is an unfolding. While the future is not knowable, we have a natural desire to self-actualise; to have, do and be the very best we can. Just as a flower bends and grows towards the light, so do we have this tendency.

“We are all on a journey of becoming.”

Let’s start a conversation about your journey

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I like to share tips, tricks, tools and possible traps to watch out for through my writing. Currently my research focus is in how we can use Positive Psychology to overcome issues we face in life and work. One of the areas that fascinates me most is Imposter Syndrome, and how widely experienced the phenomenon is.

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